girl with umbrella
80's - 90's
height: | 5,5 cm |
width: | 22 cm |
depth: | 9 cm |
hanging ceramic statuette
80 €
04-178 girl with umbrella
50's - 60's
height: | 23 cm |
width: | 30 cm |
figural statuette
75 €
04-008 ballerina
pierrot and columbine
art deco
height: | 40 cm |
width: | 45 cm |
depth: | 20 cm |
figular statuette
145 €
04-177 pierrot and columbine
horned grebe statuette
height: | 47 cm |
width: | 18 cm |
depth: | 9 cm |
stylized statuette
100 €
04-057 horned grebe statuette
dancing couple
60's - 70's
height: | 16 cm |
ceramic figurine
55 €
04-114 dancing couple
a tiger statue
height: | 20 cm |
width: | 30 cm |
china statuette
80 €
04-102 a tiger statue
height: | 40 cm |
width: | 15 cm |
wooden statuette
40 €
04-288 heron
statue of a horse
height: | 22 cm |
width: | 26 cm |
ceramic statuette
80 €